looking for JS* skills

for e-conomic, Kiev, Ukraine, under Ciklum's umbrella
You will work:
  • with #backbone, #nodejs and #mongodb
  • in a team of people crazy about stuff they build
  • with code coverage > 70% and full stack tests
  • with a lot of freedom to structure your work day as you like
  • with a product you can easily be proud of
  • supporting modern browsers and touch devices
You will:
  • push your code to github
  • do pair programming to reach confidence in our codebase
  • participate in regular knowledge sharing sessions hosted by you and us
  • use skype on those few recurring meetings we have
  • have fun using technology you love

Join us!

#js #kiev via @debitoor team

The app we build is debitoor.com - an online invoicing app. We allow small businesses to do invoicing, offers, reminders and other accounting stuff in the cloud. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for freelancers and small business owners to run their shop.

We don't have a compile step. The build is just starting the app and we have a simple test runner which runs ~2500 tests in less than 3 minutes. Our tests are running on CI server on every push. Karma runs clientside tests in many browsers.

So you wanna do some hardcore JS?

let us know

Here we are

Just ping any of us if you want to know more


Join us ;)

we will gladly answer any of your questions!